areas of treatment

Cairns Innovative Physiotherapy treats but is not limited to all musculoskeletal strains and sprains from head to toe including sports, work & accident related injuries, headaches, chronic pain, women’s health and respiratory retraining.

See the running man (mouse over) for details of areas and specific conditions we treat or have a look at below list. If you are unsure if we can help with your condition please give us a call and we are happy to talk to you.

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  • Head – headaches, vertigo/dizziness, migraine, jaw, TMJ
  • Neck – neck pain, neck stiffness, whiplash, osteoarthritis
  • Shoulder – shoulder strain & pain, acrimio-clavicular strain, rotator cuff injury, dislocated shoulder, pre- and post-shoulder op, tendinitis, impingement, bursitis, ‘frozen shoulder’, neural pain
  • Elbow – elbow pain, ‘tennis elbow’, ‘golfers elbow’, post fracture, joint strains, neural pain
  • Wrist & Hand – wrist strain & pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, post fracture
  • Back – Thoracic Spine – thoracic strain & pain, post whiplash, rib injuries
  • Back – Lumbar Spine low back pain, lumbar strains, disc injuries, facet injuries, spondylolisthesis, spinal stenosis, disc & facet degeneration, sciatica, osteoarthritis
  • Hip – bursitis, arthritis, labral tears, referred pain, neural, gluteal strain
  • Leg – Posterior Thigh – hamstring strain, sciatica, referred pain from lumbar spine, neural
  • Leg – Anterior Thigh – quads strain, ‘cork’ injury, neural, referred pain from lumbar, quads strain, neural
  • Leg – Anterior shin – shin splints, lumbar referred, neural, compartment syndrome
  • Knee pain – ACL, PCL, medial, lateral ligamentous strain or rupture, patellofemoral (PF)dysfunction, osteoarthritis knee or pf, referred pain from lumbar, neural, pre – & post knee replacement
  • Leg – Calf – calf strain, sciatica, referred pain from lumbar, neural, compartment syndrome
  • Ankle – sprain literal ligament, medial ligament, inferior tib fib joint, sprain, neural, posterior or anterior impingement, post fracture, talocrural, subtalar
  • Foot – sprain, muscle strain, stress fracture, neural, referred pain from lumbar, plantar fasciitis, morton’s neuroma, achilles pain
Head - headaches, vertigo/dizziness, migraine, jaw, TMJ
Neck - neck pain, neck stiffness, whiplash, wry neck , osteoarthritis
Shoulder - shoulder strain & pain, acrimio-clavicular strain, rotator cuff injury, dislocated shoulder, pre- and post-shoulder op, tendinitis, impingement, bursitis, ‘frozen shoulder’, neural pain
Elbow - elbow pain, ‘tennis elbow’, ‘golfers elbow’, post fracture, joint strains, neural pain
Back - Thoracic Spine - thoracic strain & pain, post whiplash, rib injuries
Wrist & Hand - wrist strain & pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, post fracture
Back - Lumbar Spine - low back pain, lumbar strains, disc injuries, facet injuries, spondylolisthesis, spinal stenosis, disc & facet degeneration, sciatica, osteoarthritis
Leg - Posterior Thigh - hamstring strain, sciatica, referred pain from lumbar spine, neural
Leg - Anterior shin - shin splints, lumbar referred, neural, compartment syndrome
Leg - Anterior Thigh - quads strain, ‘cork’ injury, neural, referred pain from lumbar, quads strain, neural
Knee Pain - ACL, PCL, medial, lateral ligamentous strain or rupture, patellofemoral (PF) dysfunction, osteoarthritis knee or pf, referred pain from lumbar, neural, pre - & post knee replacement
Leg - Calf - calf strain, sciatica, referred pain from lumbar, neural, compartment syndrome
Ankle - sprain lateral ligament, medial ligament, inferior tibio- fibular joint, sprain, neural, posterior or anterior impingement, post fracture, talocrural, subtalar
Foot - sprain, muscle strain, stress fracture, neural, referred pain from lumbar, plantar fasciitis, morton’s neuroma, achilles pain
Hip – bursitis, arthritis, labral tears, referred pain, neural, gluteal strain

Functional Fitness

Balance and

Optimal Neuromuscular


Self Management

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